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From the early 1980s going I put together a series of Lexinotes  showing some semantic fields where cognate relations between the Western Oti/Volta languages are obscured by developments in form and meaning and the difficulties of translation and elicitation between the African languages and the European ones used for glossing.

Only some of these studies were completed and distributed in duplicated (mimeo/polycopie) form. Some have been digitally keyboarded and put into unicode format and I am posting them here as a sample for those interested. 

Naden, Tony    1996.    The English-French side of the wordlist.  in Gur Papers / Cahiers Voltaïques (1) : 105-114 / [Lexinote ∅]

Naden, Tony 1993. From wordlist to comparative lexicography: the Lexinotes.  in  LEXIKOS 3 : 167-190  [Appendix: "Coming and Going"]

'Coming and Going.'  Lexinote No. 2


published as an Appendix in the following:-

Naden, Tony 1996. Ancestor non-worship amongst the Mamprusi. in LEXICOS 6 : 71-203

[based on Lexinote No.3 'Sun and God']

'Rob' and 'SaveLexinote No. 4 

Perception         Lexinote No. 5

'Water.'              Lexinote No. 6  [water-features such as "river"]

'Land.'               Lexinote No. 7

Naden, Tony 2015. Three cheers for the red, white and black. = ibid.   in Dakubu/Osam [eds.] 2005.       Studies in the Languages of the Volta Basin 3   --   Legon: University of Ghana Linguistics Department : 173-192 

        [Lexinote 20]

Naden, Tony     1997.     "Being" and "Having" in Western Oti/Volta.     paper to presented to a seminar at the University of Ghana, Legon / Lexinote 25

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